BAOMS Chair Patrick Magennis comments on the SEND publication in The OTJ Journal November 2019 issue

“This open access paper funded by charity Saving Faces and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) is ground-breaking. OMFS cancer surgeons from all over the UK were involved in the study, and British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) is proud that this research was completed and published.

The study was possible because of a unique collaboration between 68 UK-based surgeons treating 614 patients at 27 UK hospitals. The research compared leaving or taking out neck glands that did not have obvious secondary cancers at the same time as removing the patient’s small mouth cancer. OMFS know that between 20 and 30 in every 100 patients with small mouth cancers have tiny microscopic cancer deposits in their neck glands that can’t be picked up by any scanners. Now OMFS have the evidence about the risks and benefits of removing the neck glands in early mouth cancer. This information will help patients participate in decisions about their treatment.

To mis-quote John F Kennedy in this the 50th anniversary year of the moon landings, OMFS surgeons want to do randomised surgical trials ‘not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone’.

This paper is a credit to all involved.”

– Patrick Magennis, British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) Chair and Saving Faces Deputy Chair of Trustees

Click here to read more about the SEND paper.

Click here to read the full November 2019 issue of The Operating Theatre Journal.


Thank you to our Royal Parks Half Marathon runners!

A huge thank you to our supporters who ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon on 13th October 2019 to support Saving Faces!


Drew’s father-in-law, Henry de Lotbinière, was operated on by Saving Faces Chief Executive Professor Hutchison 13 times in 15 years.

Drew completed the half marathon in the incredible time of 1 hour and 40 minutes!


The Royal Parks Half Marathon was Maxine’s first half marathon.

She completed it in the amazing time of 1 hour 50 minutes!


Thank you to all our runners who took part and raised the wonderful amount of nearly £2000 for Saving Faces!

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The Vitality Big Half

Kat Huggins is running the Edinburgh Marathon for Saving Faces!


Saving Faces 400k Coffee Morning Challenge

If everybody gives a little, we achieve a lot.

Many of us now start the day with at least one coffee drunk on the hoof on the way into work. Some of us even need several coffees a day to keep going! These coffees usually cost £2.50.

You are one of 7,000 very special people who support Saving Faces. You have probably raised money or donated to us in the past. We are now asking you to convert the cost of one cup of coffee or tea a week into an annual standing order to Saving Faces of £130 (£2.50 x 52); a few of you might feel so generous that you’ll forgo one coffee for more than one day (£5 up to £12.50 a week). This regular income will ensure that even in these difficult times we can complete our current research projects that will all change lives for the better; and have the confidence to start the many new exciting projects proposed by UK surgeons.

We know that some of you are hard-pressed for money, or donate generously to other worthy causes so may not be able to take up this challenge. But please try so we can continue our valuable work, which has now been running for over 19 years. Our current outgoings are £700,000 per year to fund our researchers and house our organisation. If everybody gives a little, we achieve a lot.

To get involved in the Saving Faces 400k Coffee Challenge, please download our standing order mandate form stand below.

Standing Order Form
Single Donation Form

Image By David Dewitt

Ground breaking UK research by Saving Faces on early mouth cancer could save 30,000 lives world wide every year


Headline News 17/10/2019: Findings of ground-breaking new surgical trial on mouth cancer published by the British Journal of Cancer

Access the recommendation on F1000Prime

The findings of the Selective Elective Neck Dissection (SEND study) funded by Elliott Bernerd (£600,000), Cancer Research UK, Robbie and Lisa Tchenguiz in memory of their mother Violet (£500,000), and Saving Faces, has been published for the first time in the British Journal of Cancer and has been recommended in the F1000 Prime as being of special significance in its field.

  • Patients with mouth cancer benefit from additional surgery
  • 30,000 more patients worldwide could be cured as a result of this finding

This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support.

Continue reading

Frank Fletcher completes sponsored jumps for Saving Faces and in remembrance of former colleagues on 75th anniversary of D-Day

Ex-paratrooper Frank Fletcher completed two commemorative parachute drops for the 75th anniversary of D-Day (6th June 1944) to raise essential funds for the National Facial Oral and Oculoplastic Research Centre (NFORC), funded by Saving Faces and its partner the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS), and Special Forces veterans charity Pilgrim Bandits.

A huge thank you to Frank and all his supporters for this fantastic fundraising effort to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. The total amount raised was over £1,700!

5th June 2019

The first drop took place near Caen in Normandy on 5th June 2019, which marked the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Frank and the pilots were featured on the BBC’s The One Show.

17th September 2019

The second drop took place near Arnhem in the Netherlands, The Battle of Arnhem was a significant battle amongst Airborne Forces and the film ‘A Bridge too Far’ portrays the events.

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