Patients & Relatives

Information Leaflets


The following information provided by the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) was prepared for patients seeking more information on diseases and conditions.

View All Conditions & Procedures


If you have just received a diagnosis or are about undergo facial surgery, our helpline can put you contact with a former patient who understands and provide support.

How the Helpline Works

Patient Stories

Tom was attacked by a dog and had to undergo several painful reconstructions to his nose. Click to read more of Tom’s story and our other patient stories.

Read More Patient Stories



We need help from patients and the public to ensure that our research is moving in the right direction. Find out more on how you can join our Saving Faces and NFORC Patient and Public Involvement Group.

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Head and Neck Cancer Audit

The National Head and Neck Cancer Audit (HANA) funded by Saving Faces aims to improve the process of care and and its outcomes for patients diagnosed with a head and neck cancer.

View the HANA Patient Information